Squidoo A free online publishing tool.

        Do you want to Squidoo

You have probably found this page because you want to earn som extra money from your writing? Or have thought about it?
You probably don't know where to start or have perhaps got limited computer knowledge.

Or as I have now found Squidoo is great for maximising your exposure online. I have learned so much about creating my online "brand" and the best of it is it is FREE, all the information on it is FREE.
I have created FREE traffic to my Blog,  and I have noticed significant INCREASED earnings.

But all this from someone who just fancied writing a couple of articles when I was off work bored!

I remember the first time I published a piece of my work, and got comments/critique on it, it was so exciting.

So how did I do it...

Well i joined Squidoo. It is a popular online publishing platform and community that makes it easy for you to create "lenses" online.
Lenses are pages, kind of like flyers or signposts or overview articles, that gather everything you know about your topic of interest and snap it all into focus. Like the lens of a camera, your perspective on something.

It's a supersimple, fun and powerful way to share your interests, build your online identity and credibility, and connect with new readers and friends. It's all free!
And the most important part YOU CAN EARN MONEY...you can even ask for a donation to be made to your favourite charity from your earnings.

Do you want to see a working example scenario.

Robin is a very busy woman. She was helping plan her son's wedding and put together a lens all about the mother-son dance songs they were considering, and then asked her friends to comment on their favorites. She added YouTube music videos of some of the songs, a list of her top contenders, an open comments section for other moms to post the songs they danced to with their sons, and featured some great wedding books for sale on Amazon.

So now, if you land on her lens and like one of the products she recommended, or you like one of the contextual Google ads we've matched to her page and you either buy or click, Robin earns money. (This page was entirely free for her to make, remember).

She's also made about 300 other lenses on things like Best Panini Sandwich Recipes and Bunches of Cute Birthday Cupcakes.

In fact, Robin has gotten so good at making recommendation lenses about the stuff she knows and loves that she's one of our very top earners, making thousands of dollars on Squidoo.

So that's how it works. Easy.     

Now if like me you do not have a CLUE about "adding youtube videos" don't worry

                                 Squidoo take care of that for you in the press of a button.

I love Squidoo as it is closley monitored by a great team, and there is a lot of fairness, giving the likes of you and me a chance. You will not find the aggressive online salesman HERE, thanks to the tight ship the "squid angels" run.

I cannot stress to you how little knowledge I had about creating work online, but I am still proud of the fact one of my "lenses" has been page 2 of google for some time now.

So if you would like to join  I would suggest you start at the Squidoo Homepage.

Usage of he Squidoo logo -  Squidoo(tm) is a trademark of Squidoo LLC.